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"I thoroughly enjoyed the session, the way in which James was able to apply the soft skills learnt from his time in the Financial Industry into such an extreme challenge is very thought provoking. It certainly made me very inspired to push myself out of my comfort zone more. The audience were engaged throughout, and I haven’t seen so many questions asked in a speaker event before, which speaks volumes to the type of audience James’ story brings. I would thoroughly recommend James for more events and hopefully we will be able to bring him back at some point in the future!" 


"I had the privilege of attending a keynote speaker event with James in Bournemouth. James’ presentation was not only insightful, but incredibly engaging and full of passion. His achievements from cycling from Alaska to Argentina really is incredible and to hear the story first hand was inspirational. There were some valuable takeaways, and the presentation really did hit the mark and was on topic.  I would thoroughly recommend James as a keynote speaker, his  interactive story telling kept the audience captivated from the start to finish."



 "I found the session inspirational, and it was great to takeaway a few points such as finding a higher purpose, having accountability, importance of preparation as well as staying flexible, trusting people and above all grit / endurance. What we didn’t call out specifically but was evident anyway is the power of habit – you got up and continued with the same routine which helped accomplish your goal."


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